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Does it matter where you write?

Writer: Rob JonesRob Jones

Does it matter to you where you write your book? Do you have a routine in which you find a specific place every time that inspires you or at least works for you? Do you believe that specific times or places actually affect the writing process?

Honestly, I would love to gather information on this topic as I believe writers develop quite diverse habits but rarely share this part of the process.

You must forgive me because as I write historical fiction, there is a direct relevance of places that I believe inspire my work, and are, of course, part of my research. It’s important that I travel a little as well as doing library and digital research.

Certainly, if you have a place in the house, where are you write, and sometimes get Writer’s Block or you simply don’t feel inspired, I suggest you mix it up, try a few different approaches. It’s surprising how a specific atmosphere can change how a story develops, or even your enthusiasm for completing a chapter can make a difference.

As part of this blog I would really welcome any of your experiences. So please respond.

I wrote in many places over a period of about four years, sometimes by chance or when it was convenient, but I never documented it until now. I have listed all this below and what surprised me even more is that I can still remember more or less what I wrote in each of those locations, and it’s a shame that anybody reading the books would never get that. Perhaps I should try to get better at it.

My wife once had an appointment at Liverpool Cathedral, and as you do, I said I’ll be fine, I would look around the shop, the Cathedral and take some photographs. But within minutes, I was sitting by the altar. I took my iPad out and was writing. For me, it was the ideal environment to advance the scene I was working through. When I looked up again, an hour and a half had passed without me even noticing.

So, to reiterate, any thoughts or ideas on this or anything you can add to my list that might help others, please do so, I’m sure there are no limits on this, but of course the important thing is whether it actually works - if it is any use being somewhere else, or being amongst different people whilst you create.

I know Lee has one that puts all mine in the shade but it is up to him to tell…


Several cafes (including Costa, Asda, you name it)

Several libraries

Car and car parks (didn’t get arrested)

York Minster, Lincoln Cathedral, Liverpool Cathedral.

Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, York.

Several Hotels in York

Holy Trinity Church, York

Thurnham Hall, Lancaster

Hotel in Windermere

The Townhouse, Stratford upon Avon

Theatre gardens, Stratford upon Avon

A pub in Stratford upon Avon

Edge hill University

MacDonalds (more than one :) )

Train journeys

Others I'm struggling to recall!


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Jul 26, 2023
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I think it is really interesting to learn about different authors process and writing space. My personal process is that I access my manuscript in Microsoft word on my phone and my first draft I do completely on the phone. This gives me the flexibility of being able to grab a moment whenever I can or if something inspires a scene etc. My dedicated place however (thanks Rob :) ) is actually usually when sat in my hot tub! I find that this is a space where I can usually focus on the writing and not the day to day life.

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